Mental strength during pregnancy & delivery
It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves." --Sir Edmund Hillary

It's also very important and helpful for a pregnant lady to keep herself mentally prepared and as strong as possible, for delivery.
It's going to be the most beautiful and memorable gift of your life.
Whether it’s going to be a Normal Vaginal delivery or a Cesarean delivery, some pain is imperative.
The stronger you will be, the better you will be able to face the situation & better will the outcome be.

Following points will help you for this preparation:

  • Ask all your questions during your antenatal visits so that there is nothing bothering you consciously or subconsciously.
  • Our effort is to strengthen your will power & decrease the fears in your mind with the help of all the practical knowledge you are getting through these emails & video classes.
  • Discuss about pain management with your doctor
  • Discuss all about the modes of delivery and normal labor vs C section with your obstetrician.
  • Involve your husband during the counseling sessions
  • Deliver in a safe environment with a qualified team of doctors (it’s always good to have a child specialist present during the delivery process, whether normal or Cesarean)
  • Don’t be carried away with comments from older ladies from the neighborhood. Have faith in scientific facts (we at Shiv Shakti hospital also have a firm belief in our strong traditional cultures & use them for the benefit of our patients)
  • Share responsibilities, involve your husband & other family members & caregivers
  • Breathing exercises helps to keep you calm, so practice them daily. You can learn useful breathing exercises & meditation from a certified prenatal Yoga teacher
  • Walking is best till the last day and even in hospital in the early labor period
  • There may be some uncertainties, fear and anxiety in your mind even after all the counseling sessions & discussions but:
    • have faith in nature
    • have faith on yourself
    • & faith on your caregivers
    • we will take very good care of you & your baby
  • Keep all emergency contact numbers of your doctor and hospital handy for Emergency
  • Visit the hospital a few days before the expected day of delivery. You may even choose the room where you would like to stay with your baby.
  • Keep all your insurance papers ready
  • Be Calm
  • Be Confident
  • Be Positive
Being strong mentally will go a long way in making the journey of your pregnancy & delivery a comfortable one. All the above pointers will help you in that. Best wishes