Hydration During Pregnancy: Importance and Guidelines

After all, how important can water be?

Many times pregnant ladies break their waters (liquor or amniotic fluid) before due time, around 7 or 8 months of pregnancy, resulting in preterm delivery & a preterm/low birth weight baby.

In many of these cases the reason behind this breaking of water before time is urinary infection.

And one of the very important reasons behind urinary infection is drinking insufficient amounts of water.

Drinking sufficient water might have prevented this complication & the resulting agony, expenses & the long struggle.

A normal pregnant lady should drink at least 12-13 glasses of water in a day. The quantity can vary depending upon the season, weather and your activity levels. Some important tips:

  • It’s a good idea to drink water sip by sip rather than gulping down whole glass in one go.
  • Drink while sitting rather than standing.
  • Let the sip of water be there in your mouth for some time to let saliva dissolve in it before drinking.
  • Drink water almost an hour after meals. Drinking water immediately after meals dilutes the digestive enzymes in the stomach hampering the process of digestion. If the food is too spicy, you may take one or two sips of water with food.
  • During summers or very hot, humid weather, when you feel thirsty after eating, it’s ok to take half a glass of buttermilk.
  • During summers/hot weather, wood apple squash (बेल का शरबत) or lemon water (शशकं जी) & during winters/cold, vegetable soups & warm water are good to drink during the course of a day. One of the indicators that you are drinking insufficient water is the color of your urine.

Urine should be colorless. If your urine tends to be high coloured/yellowish it may be because of insufficient amount of water. Water is very important for your optimum health as well as for your baby, therefore please take care of your water intake throughout pregnancy.

Only precaution are some medical conditions where water restriction is advised. Your doctor will guide you about these, as required. We hope you take very good care of yourself during these 9 months & drink sufficient water.

Best wishes.